Iowa Opens BEAD Rebuttal Window


Rebuttal submissions began June 14, initiating a 45-day window for ISPs to support or dispute challenges.

Michael D. Melero Iowa Opens BEAD Rebuttal Window Photo of Iowa farm in 2016

June 17, 2024 – Iowa announced Friday that its Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment program is now accepting rebuttals for challenges to the high-speed internet coverage map.

Rebuttal submissions began June 14, initiating a 45-day window for providers to respond to challenges. During this period, Internet Service Providers and other eligible challengers can submit evidence to support or dispute challenges across the state. The Department of Management Division of Information Technology will issue final rulings within 45 days of a rebuttal.

Eligible ISPs may need to register for a challenge navigator account to receive notifications of pending rebuttals. Providers must regularly check emails from the challenge portal for notifications of submitted challenges.

The challenge portal utilizes the Federal Communications Commission’s broadband availability and federal funding commitment data. If a challenge meets the minimum level of evidence and is not rebutted, it is sustained. Providers may also agree with challenges, transitioning the location to the “sustained” state.

Iowa’s initial proposal volume one which outlines how the state will conduct its challenge process was approved in March

The BEAD program requires states to create a broadband coverage map and open it to challenges from stakeholders, ISPs, and local governments. The ISP of that address can then rebut these challenges to ensure map accuracy before funding distribution.

The $42.5 billion BEAD program allocates funds to states to provide high-speed internet to all addresses. The challenge portal utilizes the FCC broadband availability data and federal funding commitment data to ensure accuracy in the deployment process.
