Docker Build Cloud aims to accelerate Docker builds

Docker has unveiled Docker Build Cloud, a cloud-based build service that promises to accelerate builds of Docker images for engineering teams.

Introduced January 23, Docker Build Cloud aims to address the pain point of how much time engineering teams spend waiting on Docker image builds to complete. The company says that Docker Build Cloud accelerates Docker image builds up to 39x by offloading them to the cloud, regardless whether developers build locally or through continuous integration.

Docker Build Cloud’s hybrid approach allows developers to leverage the familiarity of local development tools for tasks such as code editing and debugging while scaling to cloud resources for resource-intensive workloads, deployments, or collaboration, Docker said. No changes to the developer’s existing workflow, local workstation, tools, or Dockerfiles are required.

Current customers can try Docker Build Cloud today. Docker subscribers receive Docker Build Cloud minutes based on their subscription tier—Docker Personal, Pro, Team, and Business. Subscribers can purchase Docker Build Cloud plans that add 200 minutes per month starting at $5 a seat per month, with additional minutes beyond those starting at 5 cents per minute.

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