CloudTweaks Q&A with BCM One CEO Geoff Bloss 

In an era where seamless communication becomes the spine of global businesses, especially against the backdrop of an expansive hybrid workforce, leaders and organizations worldwide grapple with the task of aligning technology with ever-morphing work environments. In the epicenter of this evolution is BCM One, a company helmed by CEO Geoff Bloss, recognized for steering the firm through an era characterized by digital transformation and pioneering innovative communication strategies that defy geographical barriers. In this exclusive Q&A with CloudTweaks, Bloss delves into the realms of hybrid workforces, shares his perceptive insights into the ongoing market consolidation, and elucidates how BCM One champions the convergence of communication, technology, and enterprise needs, thereby sculpting a futuristic blueprint for sustainable and resilient corporate communication ecosystems.

Q: On Hybrid Workforces and Voice Solutions: BCM One is described as being at the forefront of innovative communication strategies, especially with the rise of hybrid workforces. How do you see enterprise voice evolving to cater to the changing needs of these hybrid workforces?

A: The shift to hybrid working has heightened the need for advanced tools and new ways for employees to interact. Enterprise voice technology is evolving to meet the changing needs of hybrid workforces by offering flexibility, integration, mobility and scalability. These developments aim to empower organizations to effectively connect and collaborate with their dispersed networks, regardless of their physical location.

The continued evolution of enterprise voice will first be seen in UCaaS and collaboration tools like Teams and Zoom that will continue to advance, giving more flexibility and features for voice and video calls. These collaboration tools will also embrace AI to enhance functionality and unify communication across platforms. It’s vital to continue to enhance and automate PSTN replacement for voice communications.

Q: As we adapt enterprise voice technology for hybrid workforces, we also face challenges in an increasingly saturated market. Given this backdrop of consolidation and the emergence of stop-gap solutions, what are the key challenges BCM One confronts, and how do you address them?

A: The market is reaching a saturation point, leading to industry consolidation and the emergence of companies with solutions aimed at modernizing communication stacks. To stand out in a crowded market, BCM One focuses on its unique value propositions, such as its comprehensive technology to streamline enterprise networks. We are not just a stop gap solution—we take a holistic approach to delivering cutting-edge and continually evolving solutions that are compatible with emerging communication standards.

Q: BCM One’s Key Differentiators: Could you elaborate on what makes BCM One’s NextGen communication and managed services stand out from the competition? How do these differentiators translate to benefits for your clients?

A: Absolutely. While many providers offer piecemeal solutions, BCM One’s NextGen services prioritize comprehensive integration. Our communication and managed services serve the nuanced communication needs of sectors from finance and healthcare to retail and tech.

As a Microsoft Modern Work Specialist Partner and an expert in SIP Trunking, we provide organizations with SIP trunks and connect them to the company’s existing Teams licenses. BCM One Voice Enabled Teams offering integrates SIP with Teams to maximize an organization’s network’s flexibility and connectivity to deliver enterprise-level voice communications with Teams’ collaboration features. We also offer Direct Routing and Operator Connect functionality, enabling organizations to establish a fully integrated cloud-based SIP connection to Teams with external voice connectivity.

Our team has deep industry experience and knows how complex business communication can be if not done right. We recognize that no two businesses are alike. Unlike one-size-fits-all offerings, our services are tailored to meet individual client needs, ensuring maximum relevance and efficacy. As solutions become increasingly digital, the security risks also increase. Our NextGen services come with embedded, top-tier security frameworks to mitigate security risks.

Regarding how these differentiators translate into tangible benefits for our clients, operational efficiency comes first and foremost. Integrated solutions mean streamlined processes, saving time and resources. With dedicated support that swiftly addresses potential hiccups as they arise, businesses can move forward quickly and with minimum disruption.

I like to think about it like this: Our differentiators aren’t just features—they’re value propositions. We aim to offer solutions that solve current challenges and anticipate future needs, ensuring our clients remain ahead of the curve.

Q: Partnership with Microsoft Teams: Being a member of the Microsoft Teams Managed Partner Program must have opened various avenues for collaboration. How has this partnership enhanced BCM One’s offerings, especially in terms of enterprise voice capabilities?

A: We have been working with and offering Microsoft communications solutions for many years and with Pure IP, who were one of the launch partners for Microsoft’s Operator Connect – the latest method of enabling Teams enterprise telephony.

Joining the Microsoft Teams Managed Partner Program has amplified our offerings in several ways. First, our voice solutions dovetail perfectly with the Teams platform. This seamless integration has enabled us to provide our clients with a unified communication experience where voice integrates seamlessly with chat, video, and collaboration tools.

Also, Microsoft’s robust cloud infrastructure has allowed us to offer voice solutions that can quickly scale based on our clients’ needs. Whether it’s a startup or a multinational corporation, we tailor solutions to fit their unique requirements.

Through this collaboration, BCM One’s voice solutions now have features such as advanced call analytics and AI-driven voice enhancements. The Teams partnership also allows us to leverage Microsoft’s security framework, which ensures the safety of voice data and guarantees compliance with global standards and regulations.

For our clients, this program translates to a superior communication experience. They benefit from state-of-the-art voice capabilities, seamless integrations, and the peace of mind from knowing they’re backed by two industry giants working in tandem.

Q: On Growth and Acquisitions: With a remarkable growth of 119% in revenue over the last three years and the recent acquisition of Pure IP, how do you envision BCM One’s role and impact in the global communications landscape in the next five years?

A: Great question. Here’s how I see our role and impact evolving over the next half-decade. With the integration of Pure IP’s capabilities, we’re poised to redefine unified communications. Pure IP’s agile and scalable voice solutions include specialized Session Border Control-as-a-service, seamlessly complementing BCM One’s suite and ensuring consistency in hard-to-reach areas. This merger is an example of our approach, which isn’t merely about adding assets but rather about weaving expertise into an already robust catalog of global voice solutions. The acquisition bolsters our presence in key markets and offers avenues to venture into emerging markets. By leveraging Pure IP’s existing infrastructure and network, we aim to establish a formidable presence in regions we previously didn’t have a significant footprint.

The fusion of our teams means a pooling of intellectual capital. This collective expertise will drive the development of NextGen solutions that cater to the ever-evolving needs of businesses, ensuring we remain their first choice for communication solutions. Our growth and enhanced capabilities will allow us to forge strategic alliances with other tech leaders. These partnerships will further amplify our offerings and enable us to deliver a holistic suite of solutions to our clients.

We’re about empowering businesses of all sizes. Our vision is inclusive. From SMBs to global conglomerates, I see BCM One playing a pivotal role in ensuring that companies, regardless of size, have access to cutting-edge communication tools that help drive growth.

In the next five years, our goal is clear: to elevate the global communications landscape and, in the process, empower businesses to communicate more effectively and efficiently. We have much to look forward to in the journey ahead…

By Gary Bernstein
