Broadband Breakfast on July 10, 2024

Broadband Live

Open access networks are gaining greater traction nationwide.

Broadband Breakfast Drew Clark Broadband Breakfast on July 10, 2024 - New Developments in Open Access Networks

Open access networks are gaining greater traction nationwide. In additional to major players like AT&T (including its Gigapower joint venture with BlackRock) and T-Mobile, UTOPIA Fiber and other such networks are continuing to grow. More cities and regions are committing to open access. Under this model, multiple service providers share the same infrastructure managed by a separate network operator. The promise is a cost-effective way to promote competition and spur innovation, also reducing capital costs for some entrants. But complexities are real and obstacles exist. What new developments and insights are impacting open access networks? 


  • Panelists have been invited
  • Drew Clark (moderator), Editor and Publisher, Broadband Breakfast
