AWS Incident Response: Process and Best Practices

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud platform offering a multitude of services that cater to various aspects of digital infrastructure. Security incidents in the cloud can have far-reaching consequences. Therefore, understanding and preparing for AWS incident response is paramount for maintaining the integrity and security of these services.

AWS incident response involves several layers, ranging from applications and databases to virtual servers and network security. Each layer requires specific security measures and best practices to ensure robust protection against potential breaches or attacks.

The AWS incident response process itself is a structured approach that includes detection, analysis, containment, eradication, and recovery. This process is supported by AWS’s suite of tools and services designed to help identify, assess, and respond to security incidents.

What Do You Need to Secure on AWS?


Applications are a critical asset for most businesses, and they are often the targets of security incidents. AWS provides robust tools for securing applications, but it is up to you to implement them correctly. You should ensure that all your applications are regularly updated and patched to minimize vulnerabilities. Additionally, you should employ strategies such as defense in depth, which involves using multiple layers of security to protect your applications.


Databases on AWS, whether relational or NoSQL, contain sensitive information that could be targeted by attackers. Protecting these databases involves implementing proper access controls, encrypting data at rest and in transit, and regularly auditing your databases for any signs of unauthorized access. AWS provides tools such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to help with these tasks.

S3 Buckets

S3, Amazon’s elastic object storage solution, is widely used for storing data on AWS. However, misconfigured S3 buckets have led to many security incidents in the past. You should ensure that your S3 buckets are not publicly accessible unless absolutely necessary, and use AWS IAM policies to control who can access your buckets. Additionally, you should enable logging and regularly monitor your S3 buckets for any suspicious activity.

EC2 Instances

EC2 instances are the virtual servers that run your applications on AWS. Securing these instances involves implementing proper security groups, which act like virtual firewalls, and using AWS IAM roles to control what actions can be performed on your instances. You should also regularly patch your instances and use tools such as AWS Inspector to identify any vulnerabilities.

VPC and Network Security

The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is the backbone of your AWS environment. Ensuring its security involves configuring security groups and network access control lists (NACLs) correctly, and setting up proper routing tables. You should also segment your VPC into different subnets based on the principle of least privilege, which means that each subnet should only have the permissions it needs to function and nothing more.

Preparing for Incident Response on AWS

Preparing Your People for a Security Incident

Incident response is not just a technical process, but also a human one. When a security incident occurs, it’s important that the right people are informed and involved in the response process. This could include your IT team, management, legal team, and even PR team if the incident is severe enough to warrant public disclosure. You should have a clear communication plan in place that outlines who should be notified in the event of a security incident, and what their roles and responsibilities are.

Preparing Your Processes for a Security Incident

Having a well-documented architecture of your AWS environment is crucial for effective incident response. This includes understanding how your applications are structured, where your data resides, and how your network is configured. You should also document your incident response processes, such as how to identify, contain, and eradicate a security incident, and how to recover from it. This documentation should be regularly updated and readily available to your incident response team.

Preparing Your Technology for a Security Incident

Finally, you should ensure that your technology is prepared for a security incident. This involves setting up the right monitoring and alerting tools, such as AWS CloudWatch and AWS GuardDuty, to detect any suspicious activity. You should also enable logging on all your AWS resources and regularly review these logs for any signs of a security incident. In the event of a security incident, you should have a backup and recovery plan in place to quickly restore your services.

AWS Incident Response Process


The first step in the AWS Incident Response process is detection. This is where you identify that an incident has occurred. The ability to detect a security incident swiftly is crucial to minimizing its potential impact. It involves continuously monitoring your system for unusual activity or discrepancies that could indicate a security threat.

AWS provides various tools for this, such as AWS CloudTrail and Amazon GuardDuty. AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account, while Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious or unauthorized behavior.


The next step in the AWS Incident Response process is analysis. This is where you evaluate and investigate the detected incident to understand its nature and scope. It involves gathering all relevant information about the incident, such as logs, network traffic data, and user activity reports, and analyzing it to determine the cause, impact, and severity of the incident.

AWS provides tools like AWS CloudTrail logs and AWS Security Hub, which aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your security alerts, or findings, from multiple AWS services, to help in this process.


Once you’ve analyzed the incident, the next step is containment. This is where you take immediate action to prevent the incident from causing further damage. It involves isolating the affected systems or components, blocking malicious IP addresses, or changing user credentials, as necessary.

AWS provides various tools and services for this, such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups and network access control lists (ACLs), which allow you to control inbound and outbound network traffic to your resources.


After containing the incident, the next step in the AWS Incident Response process is eradication. This is where you remove the root cause of the incident and eliminate all traces of malicious activity from your system. It involves deleting malicious files, patching vulnerabilities, and strengthening your security controls.

AWS provides tools like AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager, which helps you automate the process of patching managed instances, and AWS Shield, a managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service, to assist in this step.


The final step in the AWS Incident Response process is recovery. This is where you restore your system to its normal operation and verify that all threats have been eliminated. It involves restoring affected systems or data from backups, validating the effectiveness of your remediation efforts, and monitoring your system to ensure no recurrence of the incident.

AWS provides tools like Amazon S3, which offers scalable storage in the AWS Cloud, and AWS Backup, a fully managed backup service, to help in this process.

Best Practices for AWS Incident Response

Now that we’ve covered the AWS Incident Response process, let’s look at some best practices to follow for effective incident response.

Developing and Maintaining Incident Response Playbooks

One best practice is to develop and maintain incident response runbooks and playbooks. These are detailed, step-by-step guides that provide instructions on how to respond to different types of incidents. They help ensure a consistent and effective response to incidents, even under stress or pressure.

AWS recommends developing runbooks and playbooks for common incident scenarios and updating them regularly to reflect changes in your environment or threat landscape.

Implementing Event-Driven Security Automation

Another best practice is to implement event-driven security automation. This involves using automation tools and scripts to automatically detect and respond to security events. It helps reduce the time and effort required to respond to incidents and allows you to focus on more strategic tasks.

AWS provides various tools for this, such as AWS Lambda, a serverless compute service that lets you run your code without provisioning or managing servers, and Amazon CloudWatch Events, which delivers a near real-time stream of system events that describe changes in AWS resources.

Configuring Alerts for Security Events

Configuring alerts for security events is another best practice. This involves setting up notifications to alert you when specific security events occur. It helps ensure that you are aware of potential incidents as soon as they occur and can respond to them promptly.

AWS provides tools like Amazon SNS, a fully managed messaging service for both application-to-application and application-to-person communication, and AWS CloudTrail alerts, which can be configured to notify you of specific API activity.

Documenting Engagement Protocols with AWS Support

Lastly, documenting engagement protocols with AWS Support is a best practice. This involves establishing procedures for engaging AWS Support in the event of an incident. It helps ensure that you can quickly and effectively leverage AWS Support resources when you need them.

AWS Support offers a range of support plans to meet different needs, including a premium plan that offers faster response times and access to a Technical Account Manager.

In conclusion, the AWS Incident Response process and these best practices provide a robust framework for managing security incidents in the AWS cloud. By adopting them, you can enhance your security posture, minimize the impact of incidents, and ensure a swift and effective response when incidents do occur.

By Gilad David Maayan
