ATIS Unveils 6G Spectrum Requirements Report


ATIS said that proactively understanding next generation spectrum needs is essential to U.S. leadership.

Michael D. Melero ATIS Unveils 6G Spectrum Requirements Report Photo of Next G Alliance Managing Director David Young

June 25, 2024 – The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions released a report Tuesday detailing Next G Alliance’s spectrum requirements for 6G, emphasizing scenario-specific key performance indicators and application-specific technical needs.

ATIS’s Next G Alliance is an initiative to advance American wireless technology. According to the recently published report Spectrum Needs for 6G, establishing a roadmap for comprehensive 6G development prioritizes the methodology for data rate requirements, particularly within the North American context.

Next G Alliance Managing Director David Young emphasized in a press release the importance of understanding 6G spectrum needs to maintain U.S. leadership in critical and emerging technologies. He highlighted the necessity for these requirements to influence the development of data-driven policies, regulatory decisions, and technical solutions.

“Spectrum serves as the cornerstone of all commercial mobile broadband,” said Andrew Thiessen, chairman of the Next G Alliance Spectrum Working Group. “Lacking adequate spectrum, countries face obstacles in achieving universal connectivity.” He highlighted that the publication offers an initial comprehensive assessment of the spectrum required as 6G development gains momentum.

The Next G Alliance, collaborating with over 100 leading organizations and leveraging the expertise of up to 1,000 experts from industry, academia, and government agencies, aims to further advance North American leadership in wireless technology over the next decade.
